Lifestyle Choices


Our lifestyle choices shape who we are and the state of our health.

Your Health is your New Wealth.

Do you want to improve your lifestyle, eating habits, become more creative in the kitchen and improve your overall health but not sure where to start.

Prior to the first consultation you will be asked to complete a food diary. During the session, I will discuss with you in more detail your health medical and family medical history as well as exploring your lifestyle and eating habits any current symptoms and concerns, energy levels, mood, ect. Having identified your personal health goals, we agree an action plan together that includes diet and lifestyle changes that will help you to achieve them. ​

As people require different degrees of follow-up support when putting the changes into practice, you can choose your own pace of coaching from my three programme levels - see "Programmes" for more details.

I will explain what I think may be contributing to current symptoms and if appropriate may also offer Reflexology, Aromatherapy or Raindrop therapy helping to pinpoint where support may be needed to achieve your goals.

​If that is what you want I am here to help you guide and support you on your journey to become the best version of yourself.